For Second Hand September we have interviewed 10 experts in the field, delving into the world of vintage and secondhand. Covering categories such such fashion, furniture and watches we spoke with industry leaders about the boom in this ever growing category. Next up is Kayleigh, Founder of Be Diddy, our kids vintage expert.
For those that don’t know you, how would you describe yourself and what you do?
Hi, I'm Kayleigh. I own Be Diddy which is a kids vintage and lifestyle store based in Manchester. I am second hand OBSESSED and I think that's why Be Diddy has done so well to an extent. As well as slinging my vintage, I am always showing behind the scenes of what it's like to run a small business, mum life and all my second hand escapades.
I also have a 2nd account @bediddywears_ on which I show my secondhand outfits everyday, so there's always something going on!.

I have always shopped vintage and second hand for myself. When I had my daughter (x 4 years ago now, mad!) I realised how much you were told you "needed" to buy new. I'd never shopped this way for myself and so I set about picking up things for her second hand. I soon realised there wasn't really anywhere you could go, pick up some cool little bits and have a bit of a community, we're all in this together type vibe, so I started it myself. From there it's been really steady organic growth and I really feel like I've found my people. Or they found me?!.
Why do you think consumers are gravitating towards pre-owned and vintage?
I think a big shift happened during the pandemic. People had more time to think about what it was they were consuming and where it was coming from. I also think there is so much information readily available now, you just can't shy away from what effect fast fashion is having on the planet. Price/quality also massively factors into it and on a superficial level I think more often than not it looks cooler.
Tips for buying vintage for kids?
My top tips would be if in doubt size up, vintage for kids (and adults) mainly runs smaller and if in doubt don't be afraid to ask for measurements. Check composition and care labels. You don't want to be dry cleaning for a 3 year old. Have fun with it, so many of my customers message to say "those *insert print* dungarees I got from you are my child's fave!!"
"Young children love a bold colour or clashing print, let them enjoy their clothing"

How does ethics and sustainability affect the way you navigate the brand and how do you implement sustainable practices?
I try my best to do everything as sustainably as I can, but no one is perfect. Obviously all the clothing I sell is second hand, I only use recyclable packaging, I have the buy back scheme. Even things like I walk to the studio and parcel drop off point. With Be Diddy being really small (it's just me) I can control this way easier than if I were a massive company. I am always open to new ways of working and learning ways to improve.
What tips would you give someone wanting to consume fashion more sustainably when shopping for their kids?
Quality over quantity always! Kids' clothes need to be so hard wearing and not to sound like a grandma, but they don't make them like they used to! A good sturdy pair of dungarees are the best investment you can make, I truly believe that.
You are the queen of a charity shop find, any advice to those that haven't yet found the joy of a charity shop?
Ahhhh I loveeeeeeee charity shops, they are my happy place. I think starting out can be really overwhelming but I'd say start with a list, can either be specific items or a genre. Things that are permanently on my list come A/W are things like leather, denim, wool.
"Go in with an open mind and ALWAYS listen to the charity shop chat, that's the best part!!"